Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill Gates, everyone is so familiar to this name and how about BillGates foundation, yes you heard right it's Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

It was formed in 1994 as William H. Gates Foundation with a single and powerful agenda that each and every living deserves to lead a healthy and productive life. To deplete inequality and poverty throughout the world.

At present they are serving in 130 countries with their outstanding charity to help children and young people to survive and thrive combat infectious diseases and to empower people to thread their life. Their malnutrition program in Nigeria made a  huge impact over basic vaccine to children and maternal deaths. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a commitment of $ 100 million over the next five years (2016 - 2020) towards ending undernutrition in Nigeria.

Since 2003, the foundation has invested more than US$1.2 million in projects to see a healthy and prosperous India. Polio Virus, 1.5 lakh vials were found contaminated with type 2 poliovirus which put India's “polio-free status at huge risk. Thus Gates Foundation played a huge role in reducing polio cases by 95 percent, from 721 in 2009 to only 42 last year.

The Foundation is a learning organisation and they always work and strive to do better and more. From their idea of giving better health care to help young and inspire the organisation to build an implacable hard landmark and changing circumstances facing the world is truly inspiring. 

We clap them & wish for better development and success on their way

The Gates Foundation has learned that two questions can predict how much kids learn: 'Does your teacher use class time well?' and, 'When you're confused, does your teacher help you get straightened out?'

In the next 15 years, we can halve childhood deaths, that's doable.



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